
Ryokan Ohashi’s cuisine uses seasonal ingredients, with a focus on local ingredients. Enjoy carefully selected seasonal flavors.
Kaiseki cuisine
Bespoke dishes

Local color/seasonal feeling Overflowing Kaiseki cuisine

Enjoy stylish dishes prepared with care by our head chef, one by one, with a focus on seasonal fish and local vegetables.

Greetings from the executive chef

At our inn, we carefully select the freshest seasonal ingredients, use local ingredients, and strive to please our guests with seasonal dishes.
Executive Chef Akifumi Yamashita Born in Okayama Prefecture in 1986. I have loved cooking since I was young. Also, since he was good with his hands, he decided to become a “chef” as a job that would put his skills to good use. After graduating from school, he entered the world of cooking and worked hard to train Japanese cuisine at hotels and inns. While preserving the essence and tradition of Japanese cuisine, he pursues sophisticated new dishes.

Choose your favorite main dish, such as wagyu beef from Tottori Prefecture

Premium taste kaiseki

Enjoy luxurious and delicious seasonal San’in ingredients Relax in a cultural property inn where you can feel the essence of Japanese architecture Please enjoy a premium time.

〈 名月・神無月(九月・十月)の一例 〉

前 菜   焼き胡麻豆腐
      秋鮭西京焼き 銀杏素揚げ
      零余子真丈黄身焼き 穴子の小袖寿司 柿の白和え
吸い物   土瓶蒸し 名残鱧・車海老・松茸・銀杏・ゆり根
お造り   境港直送地物三種盛
台の物   鳥取和牛オレイン55と松茸の
      ※すき焼き 又は ※しゃぶしゃぶ

蒸し物   フォアグラ茶碗蒸し 合鴨治部煮・海老・里芋
焼 物   ※のど黒の塩焼き 又は ※鳥取県産和牛の炙り焼き
揚げ物   秋野菜と白いかと帆立のかき揚げ
食 事   季節の炊込みご飯
止椀    鬼蜆赤出汁
水物    季節のデザート


〈 霜月~如月(十一月~二月)の一例 〉

食前酒   自家製梅酒ソーダ割
前 菜   胡麻豆腐 河豚酒盗焼き 唐墨大根
      粟麩田楽焼き 燻製チーズ 鰆の小袖寿司「磯の雪」
お造り   境港直送地物三種盛
台の物   ※蟹すき鍋 又は ※鳥取県産和牛のしゃぶしゃぶ
蒸し物   フォアグラ茶碗蒸し 銀餡
焼 物   ※焼き蟹 本ズワイ蟹 又は

揚げ物   鰆・旬野菜の天ぷら
食 事   季節の炊込みご飯
止椀    鬼蜆赤出汁
水物    季節のデザート


Ryokan Ohashi Standard, where you can enjoy the seasonal flavors of San'in

Standard Shunsai Kaiseki

Entrust yourself to the beautiful private springs, which are rare in the whole country, Savor the seasonal ingredients of the San’in region, which is blessed with abundant nature.

〈 名月・神無月(九月・十月)の一例 〉

前菜   季節の盛合せ
吸い物  海老真丈 松茸
お造り  境港直送地物三種盛
蒸し物  里芋饅頭
焼物   鳥取県産和牛の炙り焼き 鴨茄子田楽焼き
揚げ物  秋野菜と白いかと帆立のかき揚げ
食事   季節の炊込みご飯
止椀   鬼蜆赤出汁
水物   季節のデザート

〈 霜月~如月(十一月~二月)の一例 〉

食前酒  自家製梅酒ソーダ割
前菜   季節の盛合せ
お造り  境港直送地物三種盛
台の物  鳥取県産和牛のしゃぶしゃぶ
蒸し物  蟹茶碗蒸し 銀餡
焼物   焼き蟹 本ズワイ蟹
揚げ物  鰆・旬野菜の天ぷら
食事   季節の炊込みご飯
止椀   鬼蜆赤出汁

Seasonal bespoke dishes

In addition to our original Kaiseki cuisine, we offer bespoke dishes that allow you to enjoy the bounty of the four seasons. Please feel free to order. Prices listed include tax.

Specially ordered dishes from November to March

Grilled wagyu beef from Tottori Prefecture…1 serving ¥ 5,500
Chawanmushi “with onibushi”… 1 serving ¥ 1,100
Nodoguro (boiled or grilled with salt)… 1 serving ¥ 5,500
Grilled crab or vinegar crab…half body ¥ 5,500
Crab tempura … 1 serving ¥ 2,200
Fried Fugu … 1 serving ¥ 2,200
Oven-roasted abalone … 1 serving ¥ 4,400
Tamagokake set (using Tenmi eggs) … 1 piece ¥ 385

Prices listed include tax.

How the day starts From delicious “breakfast”

Please enjoy to your heart’s content the fluffy soup rolls made with Tenmi eggs from Oenosato and a hearty breakfast made with mainly local ingredients.
You can choose to start breakfast at 7:30, 8:00, or 8:30.

Breakfast start time

You can choose from either one.

(1) 07:30~
(2) 08:00~
(3) 08:30~

〈 Example of breakfast menu 〉
Mini salad, Horenso soak,
Kinpei burdock, Dutch-stewed eggplant,
Grilled Sakanotsu salted mackerel and coho salmon,
“Tenbi Tamago” rolled eggs,
Flying fish chikuwa, grilled mentaiko,
Steamed tofu, rice, pickles, miso soup

*Contents may change depending on purchasing status.

Reservations from the official website are advantageous.
